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Wiki Leaks published accumulations of documents that will come out with the details that how the Central Intelligence Agency C.I.A. effectively hacked a wide variety of tech products, including iPhones, Android devices, Wi-Fi routers and Samsung televisions.

That ’s all about each and every major category of the consumer electronics items. So what does that means for you if you owned or several of these gadgets?

For most of the people, it might mean nothing at all. But the thousands of pages of the documents which refers to the programs of attacking the outdated versions of the software system that is running on the devices, and many of the security susceptibility have been scrapped due to the hacking issues.

On the other side, many people might still be using the outdated software on their devices. Although Due to the C.I.A. designed these tools towards spying on terrorists in the interest of the national security and safety of the nation. But the hacking tools might have been ended up with the hands of multiple ranges of the entities.

The fallout might also end up by being broader and larger. WikiLeaks released some documents which cover 2013 to 2016 of its initial publication and it was just the first installment in a superior collection of secret C.I.A. material.

So even if you aren’t really worried about what WikiLeaks declared about the C.I.A.(Central Intelligence Agency)right now for your profit, so below we are discussing some tips for protecting your smartphones and computer system.

Some of the best tips are given below which helps you in protecting your device from the hackers and how to protect the computer system by installing the best antivirus on the device. we suggest you the best antivirus which is available in the market, McAfee is one of the best Antivirus which is known for offering the best services and enhanced features to their users. if you need more information about the antivirus you may contact the McAfee customer support or visit

What You Can Do For An Android?

Millions of Android users still use devices which are based on older versions of the Google and also made mobile operating system. And the WikiLeaks document set includes 7,818 web pages and 943 attachments that confirmed the Android devices targeted by some of the hacking programs which were mostly running a version of Android 4.0.

Today, almost 30 percent of the users using Android Phones, or at least 420 million people are on an alternative of Android 4.0, according to the survey of Google. It was the investigating reports of the security issues which was described in the WikiLeaks documents said by the company.

With some limited information, the best thing people can do is to stop procrastinating on updating their software.

“Kurt Opsahl, deputy executive director for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights nonprofit said, The one thing that people can and should be doing is keeping their apps and phones as up-to-date as possible.

What You Can Do With An IPhones?

Many iPhone owners are always up-to-date with their mobile software than Android device owners. But a minority of iPhone users have devices with versions of the Apple iOS operating system that some of the WikiLeaks documents mention.

Specifically, the WikiLeaks documents refer to utilizes the working on versions of iOS up to 8.2. Almost 79 percent of the Apple users are running iOS 10, but the latest version of this system is running only 5 percent of the apple user which is older than iOS 9.

For those who really worried about their iPhone security then the advice is same as for Android owners iPhone and iPad users will make sure about running the latest operating system, iOS 10.

What To Do With Your Computer System?

The WikiLeaks documents already mentioned about the attacks of viruses, spyware and malware infections on Linux, Windows, and Mac computers. As we know that the Personal computers have been the most vulnerable devices. So Make sure to install the latest operating system updates and always use the antivirus software on your computer system. And as always be stay on guard for the suspicious websites that might be serving the malware infection on your system.

We strongly suggest you use the antivirus on your devices. We recommend you to use the McAfee antivirus on your device. it is one of the best antiviruses in the market available these days.

If you want to know more about the antivirus then contact the McAfee customer support or you can also visit to get instant help from McAfee.



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