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New McAfee Survey Reveals 1 In 4 Organizations Using Public Cloud Services Experience Data Theft

As per the new McAfee Report, data security concerns have not deterred the vast bulk of organizations from using public cloud services to store sensitive data. In all the organizations which keep data in a public cloud, one in four has been a victim to data pilfering.

McAfee, the popular cyber security software company, released its 3rd annual cloud adoption & security report. The report summarizes the present status of cloud adoption, the key concerns regarding private as well as public cloud services, cyber security propositions, and the growing impact of unmanaged and mismanaged cloud service use for over 1400 IT professionals surveyed. To know more about McAfee go to

Cloud Services are almost ubiquitous

Nearly all the organizations in the world are into cloud adoption. As per the survey of McAfee, a whopping 97% of Information Technology professionals across the world are using any kind of cloud service and they are simultaneously working through problems regarding control and visibility. Another example of a popular architecture is the combination of private cloud with public cloud. Nearly 59% respondents have reported that use a hybrid model.

Cloud-first Strategy on a decline

Cloud First, a popular IT strategy, states that fresh projects and businesses should take into consideration to use cloud technology first as compared to on-premises software and servers. As per the McAfee report, Cloud First is the strategy employed by most of the organizations and companies and it remains the key objective. However, the number of companies using Cloud first strategy has plummeted from 82% to 65% in a year. Regardless of this, companies with Cloud First strategy believe that private cloud is less safe than public cloud.

Security Breaches still widespread

As per the reports, one in four organizations which use either SaaS or PaaS has had their data stolen. One in every five organizations surveyed have gone through an advanced level cyber attack against their public cloud infrastructure. Malware is still a key concern for all kinds of companies and more than half professionals who were surveyed said that they had tracked a malicious software infection back to their cloud app.

McAfee is a popular and leady security software company ( It provides robust antivirus software for different devices and operating systems. If you have purchased a McAfee product then visit

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